There are certain things that happened in history that it seems the majority of Sunnis do not know. Even those who think they do, do not know all the details. The Shaykh of Salafis, Ibn Taymiyyah, here gives details about a major historical upheaval that occured in the black history of Islam. In his book Minhaj al-Sunnah 8/291, we read:
وغاية ما يقال إنه كبس البيت لينظر هل فيه شيء من مال الله الذي يقسمه وأن يعطيه لمستحق
The reason for what is said that he (Abubakr) broke into the house (of Fatima) was to see if there was some thing of Allah's money to distribute it or give it to those who deserved it.
Ibn Taymiyyah here is attempting to defend why Abubakr broke into Fatima's (as) house. The word he has used كبس means to forcefully break into something. This shows that Abubakr gave an order for his thugs to break the door into Fatima's (as) house and search it. He levelled two grievous allegations against her:
1. Fatima (as) was suspected of having stolen Allah's (swt) money
2. Fatima (as) was suspected of having illegal property in her possession!
But, why? We know already that Abubakr BANNED the khums that was due to Imam Ali (as), Bibi Fatima (as) and their children immediately after the death of the Prophet (pbuh), although he continued to give other Banu Hashmites. See article. What possibly could be responsible for this mistreatment of Bibi Fatima (as) by Abubakr immediately her father died?
Are we right to suspect that Abubakr was only a hypocrites pretending to be a true follower of her father during his lifetime??
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