[Taken from Tausug network]
transcript of a dialogue between a shia and a sunni
assalamun alaykum
nalawa na ba tuan ku in kitab ku al fiqhi al mazhahib arbaa hangkan sadtu piyangasubu ku naa muna ha mga katawtaymanghuran bang unu in humukan ha sharia sin tungud ha pag azzan. Bat mattan niya taymanghud dih san magasali in hukuman sin mga 4 mazhab yan pa ibadah naman atawa muamalat. Sunni ra isab aku bakas hangkan ku yan kaingatan. (I have lost my books al-fiqhi al mazhahib arbaa, thats the reason why I asked our Sunni brothers if what are the Sunni laws regulating about the islamic azzan either in ibada or muamalat aspect
Brother on my first challenge to you :
1. Can you show me just one verse where the kalima "la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasullah" is found in the Qur-an
The answer for this is : No where in the Holy Qur an you can find in a single verse the phrase " la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasullah" However this phrases can be found in various verses in the Holy Quran such as
Saffat : 36
in-nahum kaanuu idhaa qiyla lahum laa ilaaha il-lal-laahu yastakbiruun ....
Surely they used to behave proudly when it was said to them: There is no god but Allah;
Sabunnal tuud in sila timakabbur kiya pamung mayan madtu kanila in LA ILAHA ILLAH!
Surah MUhammad : 19
fa’Ålam an-nahuu laa ilaaha il-lal-laahu wastagfir li dhambika wa lil mu’miniyna wal mu’minaat* wal-laahu ya’Ålamu mutaqal-labakum wa mathwaakum
So know that there is no god but Allah, and, ask protection for your fault and for the believing men and the believing women; and Allah knows the place of your returning and the place of your abiding.
Know therefore that no worthy to be worshipped except Allah....
muHam-madur rasuulul-laah* wal-ladhiyna ma'Ahuu ashid-daau 'Alal kuf-faari ruHamaau baynahum* taraahum ruk-ka'An suj-jaday yabtaguuna faDlam minal-laahi wa riDwaanaa* siymaahum fiy wujuuhihim min atharis sujuud* dhaalika mathaluhum fit tawraati wa mathaluhum fiyl injiyl* ka zar'In akhraja shaT'ahuu fa aazarahuu fastaglaZa fastawaa 'Alaa suuqihii yu'Åjibuz zur-raa'A liyagiyZa bihimul kuf-faar* wa'Adal-laahul-ladhiyna aamanuu wa 'AmiluS SaaliHaati minhum magfirataw wa ajran 'AZiymaa
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those with him are firm of heart against the unbelievers, compassionate among themselves; you will see them bowing down, prostrating themselves, seeking grace from Allah and pleasure; their marks are in their faces because of the effect of prostration; that is their description in the Taurat and their description in the Injeel; like as seed-produce that puts forth its sprout, then strengthens it, so it becomes stout and stands firmly on its stem, delighting the sowers that He may enrage the unbelievers on account of them; Allah has promised those among them who believe and do good, forgiveness and a great reward
So you see brothers and sisters, the kalimat tayibat are separated and found in various parts of the quran.
Why do you think this phrase was not put in a single verse only?
PROOF OF IMAM ALI (as) Wilaya or guardianship in the Holy Quran :
Surah Maida :55
in-namaa waliy-yukumul-laahu wa rasuuluhuu wal-ladhiyna aamanul-ladhiyna yuqiymuunaS Salaata wa yu'tuunaz zakaata wa hum raaki'UUn
[Shakir 5:55] Only Allah is your Wali and His Messenger and those who believe, those who keep up prayers and pay the poor-rate while they bow
Tafsir :
"Hadhrath Imran bin Husain narrates the Prophet (s) said 'verily 'Ali is from me and I am from him. He is the Wali of every believer after me.
references :
Sahih al-Tirmidhi, Vol 5, Page 236,
al Sahih by Ibn Habban Volume 1 page 383,
Mustadrak al Hakim , Vol. 3, p. 119,
Sunan al Nasai Volume 5 page 132,
by Ibn Abi Sheeba Volume 6 page 383
Musnad Abu Yala Volume 1 page 293
There is a consensus among the commentators that this verse specifically refer to guardianship of Imam Ali (as) to all the believers.
Qushaji on his book Sharj al Tajrid on the subject of Imamat - This verse refer to the time Imam Ali (as) who gave his ring unto the beggar while bowing during the prayer.
Imam Tha-labi ha Tafsir Kabir, and al Balkhi ha kitab Yanabi agree with the transmission of Ahmad bin Hanbal's Musnad, vol. 5, margin of p. 38.
You can also open the tafsir on the verse Asbabul Nuzul - Wahidi narration from ibn Abbas.
Thus we can deduced from the mentioned verses that
There are three guardian for every believers :
1. Allah(swt) - amuna in - LA ILAHA ILLA LLAH
2. Rasulullah(sawa) - amuna in - MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
3. Ali(as) - amuna in - ALI YUN WALI ULLAH
The second verse that refer to Imam ALi (as) wilaya or guardianship was
Surah An-Nisa : 59
yaa ay-yuhal-ladhiyna aamanuu aTiy'Ul-laaha wa aTiy'Ur rasuula wa ulil amri minkum* fain tanaaza'Åtum fiy shay'in fa rud-duuhu ilal-laahi war rasuuli in kuntum tu'minuuna bil-laahi wal yawmil aakhir* dhaalika khayruw wa aHsanu ta'wiylaa
O ye who believe, Obey Allah, Obey Messenger of Allah, and those Ulil Amri Minkum
Masha Allah! In this verse every believer is required to obey 3 Master by ALLAH (SWT)
1. Allah
2. Rasulullah
tafsir :
Please read tafsir of Fakhraudin Radhi regarding the Ulil Amri where in he mentioned that the Ulil Amri must also be infallible like the Holy Prophet (sawa)
Addition to the kalimat tayyibah
Therefore, we came to know that the phrase kalima tayyiba -la ilaha illa llah and the phrase muhammadur rasulullah is not a single phrase but a double phrase. The evidence that the kalima tayyibat is not a single phrase was evidenced that that they are found in various verses.
Since the kalimah "la ilaha illa Allah Muhammadur Rasullullah is comprised by two kalima, how can the sunni brothers then accused us of adding something to the kalima
Now, let us discussed further the verse kalima mentioned in the Holy Qur'an : ( 35:10)
man kaana yuriydul 'Iz-zata fa lil-laahil 'Iz-zatu jamiy'AA* ilayhi yaS'Adul kalimuT Tay-yibu wal 'AmaluS SaaliHu yarfa'Uh* wal-ladhiyna yamkuruunas say-yiaati lahum 'Adhaabun shadiyd* wa makru ulaaika huwa yabuur
[Yusufali 35:10] If any do seek for glory and power,- to Allah belong all glory and power. To Him mount up (all) Words of Purity: It is He Who exalts each Deed of Righteousness. Those that lay Plots of Evil,- for them is a Penalty terrible; and the plotting of such will be void (of result).
This verse does not refer to a single kalima tayyiba but it refers to all kalimat tayyibas
kalimatun - means single kalima
kalimatan - means dual kalima
kalim - means three or more kalima
On the verse 35:10 ALLAH mentioned word kalim. Kalim or the three kalimat are which ascend unto Him.
But, the Ahlus Sunna had only two kalima which is "la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasullullah" ... now where is the third kalima? Because the meaning of word KALIM is at least three (3).
Moreso, the verse specifically mentioned that only the KALIM will be rewarded by Allah (SWT)
Therefore, we SHIA in our obedient to the Holy Quran, we believe that the third kalima tayyiba is - Aliyun Wali-Allah
now I will discussed with you are azzan that has ALI YUN WALI-ALLAH
Surah Ma'arijm: 33
wal-ladhiyna hum bi SHAHADATIHIM qaaimuun
[Yusufali 70:33] And those who stand firm in their testimonies (Shahadatihim);
In this verse Allah (SWT) made it clear that those deemed as Muhmin are those who are very steadfast and fully obeyed the requisites of Lailaha Illa Allah Muhammadur Rasulullah". In arabic grammar, Shahadat is always in plural and can only be used if referring to three or more. As such, it is very clear that the shahadat of every believers must be at least three (3) kalima.
1. Bear witness to the Oneness of Allah (swt).
2. Bear witness to the Prophethood of Muhammad (sawa).
3. and Bear witness to the Wilaya (guardianship of) of Ali(as)
The verse therefore made it clear that wilayat of Imam ALi must also be included in the Azzan.
clarifying the kalima La ilaha illa llah muhammadur rasullah wa ali yun wali ulla through ahadith;
1. Ya Nabi al Mawaddah, volume 2, page 72, published in Beirut.
The Sahabi, Aamir bin Utba al-Jehni narrates: "We paid allegiance to the Prophet (s)
on the fact that there is no God but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, Ali
is the Wali of Allah and if we retreat from any of these three pledges, we have
2. The Wilayah of 'Ali (as) has been written as Kalima on the highest heavens [Arsh]
ha Surah Anfal : 62
And if they intend to deceive you-- then surely Allah is sufficient for you; He it is Who strengthened you with His help and with the believers
tafsir :
Tafsir Durre Manthur, by al Hafiz Jalaladeen Suyuti, P 199
The Messenger (s) say, that there is an inscription in the seventh sky of
heaven:"There is no God but I alone, There is not any equal or partner to me, Muhammad is my servant and my Messenger,Whom I supported by means of Ali"
tafsir :
Riyadh al Nadira, by Mohib al Tabari, Part 3, p 117
Mohibudeen al Tabari in his Riyadh al Nadira records that the Prophet (s) said he saw
the inscription when he went on the Mi'raj, he quotes the Prophet (s) saying:
"When I went on Mirage I saw on the Pillars of Arsh an inscription, which I read and
understood as "There is no God but I alone Muhammad is my servant and my
Messenger Whom I supported by means of Ali"
tafsir :
The Wilayah of Ali (as) on the pillars of Paradise
Allamah Suleiman Qundoozi Hanafi has quoted a Hadeeth of the Holy Prophet (s) in his famous
book Yanabee al-Muwaddat quoting Arif Rabbani Sayyed Ali Hamadani's book "Muwaddat al-
Qurba". The extract of the Hadeeth is that there shall be three lines written on the pillars in
praise of the Prophet (s) on the Day of Judgment and Wilayah of 'Ali (as) will be declared in the
third statement:
First Line: In the name Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Second Line: All the praises be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds.
Third Line: There is no God but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, Ali is the Waliullah
Yanabee al-Muwaddat, volume 2, page 77, published in Beirut
tafsir :
Yanabi al-Mawadah, volume 1, page 294, published in Beirut:
Jabir (r.a) narrates that the Holy Prophet (s) said: "I saw this written on the door of
Paradise, There is no God but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah,
Ali is theWali of Allah and the brother of the Messenger of Allah."
Additional proof of Wilayat of Imam Ali(as) to all believers / muhminin.
The Wilayat of Ali (as) is the criteria for honor and dignity
Allama Ibne Hajr Makki in his book Sawaiq al-Muhriqa has reported Umar bin Khattab's saying:
Umar Al Khattab(ra) said: "Get to know! No honour reaches the position of excellence without acceptance of Ali as the (Wali) guardian."
Sawaiq al-Muhriqa, page 176, published in Egypt
Everyone shall be questioned about Wilayat of 'Ali (as) on the Day of Judgment
Allama ibne Hajr Makki also states in Sawaiq al-Muhriqa (Urdu translation page 503) that on the day of judgment, the Wilayat e Ali (as) will also be questioned about, along with the belief in the Unity of Allah, the Prophethood, the revealed books and faith. He writes:
Abu Sa'eed Khudri narrates: "Holy Prophet (s) said that on the day of judgement Allah Almighty will say: Stop them for now, they will be questioned about Wilayat e Ali (as)"
Mohib Tabari records the same Hadeeth in:
Prophethood (of past Prophets) was dependent upon acknowledging the Wilayah of Maula Ali (as)
Imam Abu Ishaq Thalabi recorded:
Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud narrated that Holy Prophet [s] said: “An angel came to me and said: “O Muhammad! Ask the messengers sent before you that how were they designated as messengers.” I inquired that how were they designated? The angel replied “They were designated on the affirmation of your and Ali Ibn Abi Talib’s Wilayah”
Reasons why we included the kalima tayyiba Aliyun Wali Allah during azzan or pronouncing shahada:
1. Its been established either through the Qur An the Wilaya of Imam Ali(as) to all believer,
2. Its been very clear through ahadith that faith will not be perfected unless one accepted the guardianship of Imam Ali (as)
3. Umar Al Khattab in Sawaiq Al-Muhriqa made it clear that faith can not be perfected without acceptance of Imam Ali(as) guardianship
4.Narrated by Abdullah ibn e Mas'ud ha Tafseer e Gharaib al-Qur'an, volume 25, page 58,: All Prophet from Prophet Adam (as) until Jesus (as) all of them accepted the guardianship / wilaya of Imam Ali (as) in order that they become the Prophet Of Allah. If those Prophet accepted the wilayah of Imam Ali (as) so that they will become the Prophet Of Allah, who are you to oppose us when we included Imam Ali(as) in our azzan and shahada? we included kalima -Aliyan Wali-Allah so that we can tell the world that we are following the sunnah of the Prophets of God.
5. Dr Tahir ul Qadri al Hanafi hambuuk ini alim miyumulya ha zaman bihaun nasabbut niya ha kitab niya in tungud ha “Eid Gadhir” in baytah niya :
"…adlaw amun didtu in Rasul(sawa) ha Gadhir Khum pag puas sin pagbalik niya dain ha Hajjat ul wada harap pa madina, piyamahalayak niya ha mga kasahabatan sartah iyangkat niya in buktun sin Ali al Murtaza(as):
"Hisiyu naman kaniyu nagnanakura kakuh, in Ali nakura niyu.
In pag wilaya sin Imam Ali(as) ha mga kasahabatan lapay na in katan ummat muslimin lapnas na ini pag dunya iban pag akhirat. Dain ha sabab yadtu matarrang bang hisiyu in dih mabayah pag Walihan sin Iman Ali(as) biyah da saka ula ula dih siya mabayah pag walihan sin Rasulullah(sawa)
Bang in Allama Qadri nakapamung bat in siya amun di tumaymah sin pag wilayah sin Imam hati niya biyah niya way tiyaymah in pag wilaya sin Rasulullah(sawa), hangkan in kami liyamud nauh in kalima ali un wali allah ha azzan namuh .
Allahu ahlam bis sawab.
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