Abu Bakr's admission of his mistakes on his death bed
As proof we shall cite:
1. Tareekh Tabari Volume 2 page 24
2. Kanz al Khitab al Khilafath ma al Maar Volume 3 page 135
3. Al Imama wa al Siyasa Volume 1 page 18, Dhikr Wafaath Abu Bakr
4. Murujh al Dhahab Volume 2 page 308 Dhikr Khilafath Abu Bakr
5. Iqd al Fareed, Dhikr Wafaath Abu Bakr Volume 2 page 208
We read in Tabari:
Abu Bakr said 'I did three things that I now regret, they are:
1. That I failed to show respect towards the house of Fatima
2. I did not burn Fajaf Salmah
3. At Saqifa I transferred Khilafath to Abu Ubaydah or Umar
There are three things that I wish I had done:
1. When Asheesh bin Qays was brought before me as prisoner I should have had him killed
2. When I sent Khalid bin Waleed to the Land of the Kuffar I should have turned him in the direction of Zay Qasa
3. When sending Khalid to Syria I should have sent Umar to Iraq
I regret that I did not get clarification from Rasulullah (s) on three matters:
1. Whether the Ansar had a share in the Khilafath
2. Who would succeed him (s) as Khalifa
3. The inheritance of an aunt and nephew
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