concerning ibn al hashimi articles alleging that Ali Ibn ABi Talib(as) intend to marry AbuJahal Daughter: there is no truth to that allegations.
- The complete chain of narration is:
Ali bin Ahmad narrated from Abu al-Abbas Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Yahya from Amro bin Abi al-Miqdam and Ziyad bin Abdullah on the authority of Abu Abdullah Jafar Al-Sadiq:
Several defects are evident in the chain of narration that renders it a useless and in fact rejected tradition. Firstly, one of the narrators Ali bin Ahmad bin Matil is unknown (Al-Mufid min Mujam al-Rijal, page 384). Secondly, a narrator Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Yahya has not been authenticated by Shia scholars, see:
1. Kitab Ejara, by Al-Khoei, Volume 1 page 51
2. Rijal ibn Dawoud, page 45
3. Zakhirat al-Maad, Volume 1 page 305
4. Sharh Arwa Wuthqa, Volume 1 page 464
5. Muhadrat fi Usool al-Fiqh, Volume 4 page 334
Last but not the least, FIVE narrators are missing in the chain between Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Yahya and Amro bin Abi al-Miqdam that means the chain is disconnected.
- the false news about Ali bin Abi Talib [as] was spread by his [as] enemies that happened to be the ancestors of the present day Nawasib such as, Sipah-e-Sahabha ( and Ibn al-Hashimi & Co. Up till now, we have proved that Ali bin Abi Talib [as] never had any such intention, let us also present the testimony of Imam Jafar Sadiq [as] who asserted it was a baseless rumour spread by the Nawasib (hypocrites). Shaykh Seduq records in Amali, page 165:
Imam Jafar al-Sadiq said: ‘….Didn’t they claim that the Master of the believers was seeking (worldly) life and government and he preferred fitna over peace, and he shed the blood of the Muslims without basis, and if he (Ali) was carrying benefit they would not ask Khalid bin al-Walid to assassinate him? Didn’t they claim that he (Ali) wanted to marry Abu Jahl’s daughter over Fatima and then Allah's messenger complained of him to the Muslims on the pulpit and said: ‘Ali wants to marry the daughter of Allah's enemy over the daughter of Allah's Prophet, surely Fatima is part of me, whoever hurts her hurts me, whoever made her happy made me happy, whoever disturbs her disturbs me.’ (Imam Jafar continues) Oh Alqamah how strange are the claims of the people about Ali !’. - At the end we should point also out that the alleged story of Ali bin Abi Talib [as] intending to mary the daughter of Abu Jahl is not considered authentic by the ulema of Ahle Sunnah. Modern day Sunni scholar Shaykh Hassan Saqaf in his book Majm'o Rasael al-Saqqaf, Volume 2 page 738 stated on this alleged story:
وهو حديث شاذ تكلم عليه بعض الحفاظ !! لأنه من رواية المسور بن مخرمة وكان منحرفاً عن سيدنا علي.
"It is an odd tradition and some scholars reject it!! because it is narrated by Musawar bin Makhrama who was deviated from Sayedna Ali". - Another angle from which Sunni scholars rejected the cited story is:
ووقع في صحيح مسلم من حديثه في خطبة علي لابنه أبي جهل قال المسور سمعت النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم وأنا محتلم يخطب الناس فذكر الحديث وهو مشكل المأخذ لأن المؤرخين لم يختلفوا أن مولده كان بعد الهجرة وقصة خطبة علي كانت بعد مولد المسور بنحو من ست سنين أو سبع سنين فكيف يسمى محتلما
In Sahih Muslim recorded his (Musawar's) tradition about Ali's proposal to Abu Jahl's daughter, he said: 'I heard the prophet (s) addressing to the people while I was adult'. There is a problem in accepting the hadith because the historians never disagreed about his (Musawar's) birth which was after the migration while the story of Ali's proposal is about six or seven years after Musawar's birth, thus how come he was an adult?'.
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