Who are the Kufans and what are their beliefs during the period of Yazid(la) and Imam Hassan(as)?
to answer this question impartially let me site a Sunni historical books : Omar the great (Al Faruq) Volume 2 page 95. w read that;
“The city was founded in 17AH and, as Omar had expressly commanded, houses sufficient to lodge forty thousand persons were built. Arab tribes were allotted separate quarters under the supervision of Hayaj ibn Malik. Omar had given clear instructions with regard to the plan of the city as well as its construction... The Jami Masjid was built on a raised square plateform and was so big that forty thousand persons could pray in it at one time.” |
and in same book : Omar the great (Al Faruq) Volume 2 page 96
we read ;
“Besides the Jami Masjid, separate mosques were built for each quarter of the city. Among the people settled in Kufah were twelve thousand from Yemen and eight thousand of the Nazar Clan. Bahilah, Nim-ul Lat, Taghlab, Bani Asad, Nakha, Kindah, Azd, Mazainah, Tamim, Muharab, Asad and Amirm Bajalah, Jadilah and Akhlat, Juhaina, Muhjaz, Hawazin, etc”. “In Omar’s lifetime the city came to attain such greatness and splendour that the Caliph called it the head of Islam”. |
so we see here history tells us that ;
Kufa was a city that was founded by the second khalifa, Arab tribes settled there. No doubt they were loyal to him. They deemed him to be the legitimate khalifa, so much so that Umar deemed Kufa to be the head of Islam. Accordingly they accepted the Caliphate of Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman. Umar’s building a Jami Masjid having accommodation of 40,000 worshippers and many other mosques further proves the fact that the majority of the population were his followers or Nawasib want to suggest that their caliph made a mosque for 40,000 Shias?
The people of Kufa believed firmly in Khailafath of Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and ‘Ali (as). This is clearly proven by the fact that we read in al-Tabari (Egypt Ed) p189 Volume 5 Chapter 19, that when a group including Malik bin Ashthar spoke out against Uthman in Kufa they were set upon and attacked.
The Kufan Arabs accepted the concept of khilafath that had been established at Saqifa, and expanded by Hadhrath Umar. The Kufans were those that deemed Ali (as) to be the fourth khailfa, which is not the belief espoused by the Shi’a who deem him (as) to be the rightful khalifa after Rasulullah (s).
We do not learn from any authentic text of history that the vast bulk of the people of Kufa were Shi’a, on the contrary we learn that the majority were adherents of Uthman.
in another Ahlus Sunnah Books :
- History of Tabari, English translation - Volume 19 page 38
- Al Bidayah wa al Nihaya Volume 3 P50;
- Al Kamil Volume 3 page 245
- Nasai al Kafiya page 70,
- al Istiab Volume 1 p138 and
Tarikh al Tabari Volume 6 page 155
we learned that There was a mass extermination of the Kufan Shi’a by Mu’awiya’s Governor Ziyad
Allamah Muhammad Bin Aqeel writes in Nisaih Kafia, page 70 (published in Bombay):
“Muwiyah made Ziyad Bin Sumaya governor over the people of Kufa and linked it with Basrah. As Ziyad had lived in Kufa during the time of Ali[ra], he was aware of all Shias living there. He dragged Shias from every stone and mount and murdered them, threatened them, cut off their hands and legs, made needles pierce their eyes, hanged them over trees, exiled them from Iraq and made them homeless to the extent that no renowned Shia remained there in Iraq”
The beliefs of the people of Kufa
Imam of Ahl’ul Sunnah Allamah Shibli Numani in al Faruq states that Hadhrath Umar established Kufa city:
“The city was founded in 17AH and, as Omar had expressly commanded, houses sufficient to lodge forty thousand persons were built. Arab tribes were allotted separate quarters under the supervision of Hayaj ibn Malik. Omar had given clear instructions with regard to the plan of the city as well as its construction... The Jami Masjid was built on a raised square plateform and was so big that forty thousand persons could pray in it at one time.”
Omar the great (Al Faruq) Volume 2 page 95
“Besides the Jami Masjid, separate mosques were built for each quarter of the city. Among the people settled in Kufah were twelve thousand from Yemen and eight thousand of the Nazar Clan. Bahilah, Nim-ul Lat, Taghlab, Bani Asad, Nakha, Kindah, Azd, Mazainah, Tamim, Muharab, Asad and Amirm Bajalah, Jadilah and Akhlat, Juhaina, Muhjaz, Hawazin, etc”.
“In Omar’s lifetime the city came to attain such greatness and splendour that the Caliph called it the head of Islam”.
Omar the great (Al Faruq) Volume 2 page 96
Kufa was a city that was founded by the second khalifa, Arab tribes settled there. No doubt they were loyal to him. They deemed him to be the legitimate khalifa, so much so that Umar deemed Kufa to be the head of Islam. Accordingly they accepted the Caliphate of Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman. Umar’s building a Jami Masjid having accommodation of 40,000 worshippers and many other mosques further proves the fact that the majority of the population were his followers or Nawasib want to suggest that their caliph made a mosque for 40,000 Shias?
The people of Kufa believed firmly in Khailafath of Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and ‘Ali (as). This is clearly proven by the fact that we read in al-Tabari (Egypt Ed) p189 Volume 5 Chapter 19, that when a group including Malik bin Ashthar spoke out against Uthman in Kufa they were set upon and attacked.
The Kufan Arabs accepted the concept of khilafath that had been established at Saqifa, and expanded by Hadhrath Umar. The Kufans were those that deemed Ali (as) to be the fourth khailfa, which is not the belief espoused by the Shi’a who deem him (as) to be the rightful khalifa after Rasulullah (s).
We do not learn from any authentic text of history that the vast bulk of the people of Kufa were Shi’a, on the contrary we learn that the majority were adherents of Uthman.
The mass extermination of the Kufan Shi’a by Mu’awiya’s Governor Ziyad
One should also point out that any trace of Shi’a presence that existed in Kufa was in effect eliminated with the coming to power of Ansar.org’s Imam Mu’awiya. When Ziyad bin Sumayya became Governor of Kufa he slaughtered the vast bulk of the Shi’a of Ali, to the extent that only a few were left.
1. Al Bidayah wa al Nihaya Volume 3 P50;
2. Al Kamil Volume 3 page 245,
3. Nasai al Kafiya page 70,
4. al Istiab Volume 1 p138 and
5. Tarikh al Tabari Volume 6 page 155
Allamah Muhammad Bin Aqeel writes in Nisaih Kafia, page 70 (published in Bombay):
“Muwiyah made Ziyad Bin Sumaya governor over the people of Kufa and linked it with Basrah. As Ziyad had lived in Kufa during the time of Ali[ra], he was aware of all Shias living there. He dragged Shias from every stone and mount and murdered them, threatened them, cut off their hands and legs, made needles pierce their eyes, hanged them over trees, exiled them from Iraq and made them homeless to the extent that no renowned Shia remained there in Iraq”
Subhanallah bat biyah tuwih ini in pagnakura sin mga Umayyad. Such was its severity that when Ibn Ziyad become Governor of Kufa, he said to Hani bin Urwa (who was Shi’a):
“Didn’t you know Hani, when my father came to this land, he did not spare the life of any one of this Shi’a except for your father and Hujr? You know what happened to Hujr”... History of Tabari, English translation - Volume 19 page 38.
Now after i have proven through Sunni Historical Books the false allegation and unfounded expose of Muawiya here, and In such circumstances how can we accept that the vast bulk of Kufans were Shi’a? How can it be believed that the Shi’a, that had been obliterated by Ziyad all of a sudden appeared again and were strong and confident enough to summon Imam Hussain (as) to them.
No doubt Muawiya will claim that Imam Ali (as) making Kufa his centre of administration was due to the Shi’a Majority there. We would ask tuan MuawiyA:
"Did Imam Ali spread Imami Shia'ism in Kufa at the time? If yes then this proves Imami Shi'aism is the true sect that was propagated by Maula Ali (as) to the masses. If there answer is no, then it not somewhat unusual that another Sect was propagating their beliefs, and the yet the Shi’a Madhab spread everywhere?
Whatever LIAR MUAWIYA give, the fact is that it cannot be proven that the majority was Shia. When Ziyad and his son had successfully adopted every method to exterminate the Shia then it is logical that vast bulk of those individuals who invited Imam Hussain (as) to Kufa were not Shi’a.
The words of Abdullah Ibn Abbas which he spoked to Imam Hussain[as] serves another proof that there were just a few Shias left in Kufa. When Imam Hussain[as] decided to leave Makkah to Kufa Ibn Abaas suggested him not to go Kufa. When Ibn Abbas came to Imam Hussain[as] for the second time he said:
“ O my brother! I want to be patient but what shall I do since the problem is serious that I cannot maintain patience. I fear your death and destruction during this journey because the people of Iraq are the group of deceitful people hence you should not go near them and if the people of Iraq really want your caliphate as they claim, then you should write to them that they should first drag their enemies out of Iraq only then you should go there. And if you are adamant to leave Makkah then (instead of Iraq) you should go Yamen that there are huge forts and mountains and there are Shias of your father and you will remain safe there from people (Banuy Umayah)”
Tareekh Tabari, Volume 6 page 217 (Arabic)
Tareekh Tabari, Volume 6 page 217 (Arabic)
Ibn Abbas suggested Imam Hussain[as] not to go Iraq as its dwellers were deceitful rather he should go Yemen as there are Shias of Ali. This proves that there were almost no Shia in Kufa otherwise Ibn Abbas would not have mentioned this feature of Yemen. If there were really Shias in Kufa then anyone could have easily refuted Ibn Abbass view by saying that if there are Shias in Yemen then there are Shias in Kufa as well.
Letters were written by those people with differing aqeedas, the majority of which were not Shi’a, but adhered to an aqeedah that in later times came to be coined as the beliefs of Ahlul Sunnah. They considered all 4 to be Khalifas of Rasulullah (s). The fact is the People of Kufa were tired of the repressive policies that Yazeed had subjected them to, and hence they turned to Imam Hussain (as) for help.
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