[Holy Qur'an 17:81] And say: "Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish."

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Is Ibn Taymiya and Muawiya a Muhmin?



Ibn Manzur states in In Lisan al Arab: Lisan al Arab, page 762

والنَّواصِبُ قومٌ يَتَدَيَّنُونَ ببِغْضَةِ عليّ عليه السلام

"Nawasib are those who embrace the hate of Ali [as] as part of their faith"

May Allah's curse be upon such people!

In Taj al Uroos, Volume 4 page 277 , we read:

النَّوَاصِبُ والنّاصِبيَّةُ وأَهْلُ النَّصْبِ : وهم المُتَدَيِّنُون بِبغْضَةِ سيّدِنا أَميرِ المُؤْمنينَ ويَعْسُوب المُسْلِمينَ أَبي الحسنِ عَلِيّ بْنِ أَبي طالبٍ رضِيَ الله تعالى عَنْهُ وكَرَّم وجْهَهُ

Nawasib: "Are those who hate the commander of believers and the leader of Muslims Abu al-Hassan Ali bin Abi Talib [ra]".

Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti states in Tadrib al-Rawi:

بالنصب وهو بغض علي رضي الله عنه وتقديم غيره

"Nasb is hating Ali [ra] preferring the others"

after defining the NASIBI or hating of Ali/Ahlulbayt now WHO ARE THE NASIBI?

1.the Nasibi founding forefathers

Al Muhaddith Shah Abdul Aziz makes two interesting comments in his Hidayatul Majeediyah, page 813:

"One who fights Ali [r] with enmity is a kaffir according to the ijma of Ahl'ul Sunnah."

"Whoever deems Ali [r] to be a kaffir or opposes his khilafath is a kaffir, this trait was evident amongst the Khawaarij at Naharwaan".
Haddeeya Mujedeeya by Al Muhaddith Shah Abdul Aziz Dehlavi page 813

On the same page Shah Abdul Aziz seeks to protect Mu'awiya by pointing out that Mu'awiya does NOT come within this definition since:

"Mu'awiya and the people of Syria sought revenge for the killing of Uthman".

Unfortunately Shah's efforts to protect Mu'awiya and his supporters are in vain because it is an established fact that Mu'awiya and his clansmen:

* Opposed the khilafath of Imam Ali (as)

* Bore enmity to Imam Ali (as) by cursing him

* Fought him

2. "The founder of Nasibi ideology was Mu'awiya".
Isthakhlaaf ai Yazid by Maulana Sayyid Lal Shah Bukhari page 216

In Al-Bidayah al-Nihayah, Volume 8 page 259 Ibn Kathir states:

ولما كان متوليا على المدينة لمعاوية كان يسب عليا كل جمعة على المنبر،

"When Marwan was a governor of Mu'awiya in Madina, he used to curse Ali on each Friday from the pulpit" .

In Fatwa Azizi by Shah Abdul Aziz we read that::

"Mu'awiya would curse Ali (as)".
Fatwa Azizi by al Muhaddith Shah Abdul Aziz Dehlavi, page 123

Hence Marwan and Mu'awiya were both Nasibis. They were enemies of Ali and embraced this as part of their faith. Their followers are also Nawasib. Their hatred takes numerous guises. In their lectures and writings their Nasibi thought becomes evident as does their hatred for the Shi'a of Ali. This party who pass fatwas of Kufr upon the Shi'a are in fact the spiritual descendants of Marwan and Mu'awiya and thus they adhere to an illegitimate belief formulated in the minds of the enemies of Ali (as).


Imam of Nawasib Ibn Tamiyah satated in his book Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 4 page 316:

ولم يكن في الخروج لا مصلحة دين ولا مصلحة دنيا

"There wasn’t any benefit either for religion or for life in his (Hussain's) rebellion".

The Najis Nasibi author goes on to say:

وكان في خروجه وقتله من الفساد ما لم يكن حصل لو قعد في بلده فإن ما قصده من تحصيل الخير ودفع الشر لم يحصل منه شيء بل زاد الشر بخروجه

"His (Hussain) rebellion and murder caused a mischief, it would not have happened had he stayed at home, what he (Hussain) sought to achieve of the good and vanish of the evil he couldn’t achieve it, nay the evil became more by his rebellion".

I think this will be enough to convince you that Ibn Taymiya is a NAWASIB..


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