[Holy Qur'an 17:81] And say: "Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish."

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ibn Taymiyyah the Liar and the Rijal Science

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

The fact that Ibn Taymiyyah is a great liar is not a new discovery to anyone who has studied his writings. He is an extremely prolific liar, and there is absolutely no doubt about that. Answering Ansar have written devoted an entire article to him. One of the chapters details his numerous lies upon the Shi'as, and another detail some of his lies regarding authentic hadiths in praise of the Ahl al-Bayt as.gif. In this short article, we are going to expose him further, and raise some fundamental questions dripping from this.

Ibn Taymiyyah is a major Nasibi, with an unimaginable hatred of Imam Ali as.gif destroying his cursed heart. This is what forced him to write this major lie in his Minhaj al-Sunnah 7/13. It is about the hadith showing that the Verse of Wilayah (Qur'an 5:55) was revealed about Imam Ali as.gif when he gave his ring in charity while bowing. After declaring the narration to be a fabricated nonsense, he states:

و أما أهل العلم الكبار أهل التفسير مثل تفسير محمد بن جرير الطبري و بقي بن مخلد و ابن أبي حاتم و ابن المنذر و عبد الرحمن بن إبراهيم دحيم و أمثالهم فلم يذكروا فيها مثل هذه الموضوعات
دع من هو اعلم منهم مثل تفسير احمد بن حنبل و اسحق بن راهويه بل و لا يذكر مثل هذا عند ابن حميد و لا عبد الرزاق مع أن عبد الرزاق كان يميل إلى التشيع و يروي كثيرا من فضائل علي و أن كانت ضعيفة

As for the great people of knowledge among the Qur'anic commentators, like the commentary of Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari and Baqi ibn Mukhalad, and Ibn Abi Hatim, and Ibn al-Mundhir, and Abdur-Rahman ibn Ibrahim Dahim and people like that, they have not recorded these fabrications (i.e. hadiths confirming how Imam Ali gave his ring in charity).

Also, those more knowledgeable than these, such as the commentary of Ahmad ibn Hanbal and Ishaq ibn Rahwiya, they have not recorded them. Also, Ibn Humayd and Abdur-Razzak have not recorded them, even though Abdur-Razzak was leaning towards Shi'ism and used to narrate the merits of Ali, even if they are weak.

This is the online link http://arabic.islamicweb.com/Books/taimiya...365&id=3317.

We must state, first and foremost, that the hadiths which Ibn Taymiyyah is trying to weaken, are actually mutawatir, having been narrated by ten of the Sahabah!! So, he is basically declaring a mutawatir hadith to be a fabrication! Wow!!

In the above comments, Ibn Taymiyyah was reacting angrily to Imam al-Tha'labi, who had recorded the narrations in his Tafsir!! On the previous page, page 12, he states:

أما ما نقله من تفسير الثعلبي فقد اجمع أهل العلم بالحديث أن الثعلبي يروي طائفة من الأحاديث الموضوعات كالحديث الذي يرويه في أول كل سورة عن أبي إمامة في فضل تلك السورة و كأمثال ذلك و لهذا يقولون هو كحاطب ليل
وهكذا الواحدي تلميذه و أمثالهما من المفسرين زيادة ينقلون الصحيح و الضعيف
و لهذا لما كان البغوي عالما بالحديث اعلم به من الثعلبي و الواحدي و كان تفسيره مختصر تفسير الثعلبي لم يذكر في تفسيره شيئا من الأحاديث الموضوعة التي يرويها الثعلبي و لا ذكر تفاسير أهل البدع التي ذكرها الثعلبي

As for what has been cited from Tafsir al-Tha'labi, ALL the scholars of Hadith have unanimously confirmed that al-Tha'labi does narrate many fabricated hadiths, like the ones he narrates at the beginning of every surah from Abu Imamah on the merit of such surah, and other fabrications like that. This is why it has been said that he is like the darkness of night.

Al-Wahidi, his student, is also like him. Both of them and others have mixed sound narrations with weak narrations in their books of Tafsir.

This is why al-Baghwi, who is more knowledgeable in hadith than al-Tha'labi and al-Wahidi, has compiled a book of Tafsir, which is only a summarized form of Tafsir al-Tha'labi. He has omitted all the fabricated hadiths mentioned by al-Tha'labi from his own Tafsir, and he has omitted all the hadiths of the people of Bid'ah that al-Tha'labi has mentioned.

Great job! However, the matter is not that simple!!

Sayyid al-Milani ra.gif, in his book, al-Qayim:

لقد روى القوم في كتبهم نزول قوله تعالى : (إنما وليّكم الله ورسوله والذين آمنوا الذين يقيمون الصلاة ويؤتون الزكاة وهم راكعون)(392) في علي عليه السّلام ، في قصّة إعطائه الخاتم للسائل :

قال السيوطي : " وأخرج عبد الرزاق ، وعبد بن حميد ، وابن جرير ، وأبو الشيخ ، وابن مردويه ، عن ابن عباس في قوله تعالى : (إنما وليّكم الله ورسوله)الاية . قال : " نزلت في علي بن أبي طالب " .
وقال : وأخرج ابن أبي حاتم ، وأبو الشيخ ، وابن عساكر ، عن سلمة بن كهيل قال : " تصدّق علي بخاتمه وهو راكع فنزلت : (إنما وليّكم الله ... )الاية

Some people have narrated in their books that the verse "Verily, your Wali is Allah, His Messenger and those who believer, those who offer Salat and give charity while they bow" (5:55) was revealed about Ali as.gif, in the story of how he gave his ring in charity to the beggar.

Al-Suyuti (Durr al-Manthur 2/293) states: Abdur-Razzak, Abd ibn Humayd, Ibn Jarir, Abu al-Shaykh and Ibn Mardawayh have narrated from Ibn Abbas ra.gif about the Word of Allah (swt) "Verily, your Wali is Allah, His Messenger ...", and he said: "It was revealed about Ali ibn Abi Talib". Ibn Abi Hatim, Abu al-Shaykh and Ibn Asakir have also narrated from Salamah ibn Kuhayl who said: "Ali gave his ring in charity while he was bowing and the verse was revealed".

Sayyid al-Milani then continues:

فهؤلاء جملة من رواة الخبر : الطبراني ، والثعلبي ، والواحدي ، والخطيب البغدادي ، وابن الجوزي ، والمحبّ الطبري ، والهيثمي ، والمتقي الهندي .
ورواه أيضاً من مشاهير المفسّرين الاعلام : الفخر الرازي ، والبغوي ، والنسفي ، والقرطبي ، والبيضاوي ، وأبو السعود العمادي ، والشوكاني ، فراجع تفاسيرهم ، بتفسير الاية المباركة .

The following people have narrated the hadith: Al-Tabarani, al-Tha'labi, al-Wahidi, al-Khatib al-Baghdadi, Ibn al-Jawzi, al-Muhib al-Tabari, al-Haythami and al-Muttaqi al-Hindi. Those that have also narrated the hadith among the most famous and most knowledgeable scholars of Tafsir are: Al-Fakhr al-Razi, al-Baghwi, al-Nasafi, al-Qurtubi, al-Baydawi, Abu Sa'ud al-Imadi and al-Shawkani - they have all narrated the narration in their commentaries of the blessed verse.

Do we need comment anymore?

Imam Ibn Jarir al-Tabari has recorded the story in his Tafsir, Nos. 9521-9524. Ibn Abu Hatim has recorded them in his Tafsir 4/1162, Nos. 6548-6551. Al-Baghwi too has narrated it in his Tafsir 2/67.

Obviously, Ibn Taymiyyah has lied upon five of the major Sunni commentators, simply out of hatred for Imam Ali as.gif. However, he has also thereby proved the authenticity of the hadith.

The question for all is: if Ibn Taymiyyah were to be narrator of hadith, would his hadiths be sahih? Whatever your answer, do you believe there are other people like him among the narrators of Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim???

Let us not waste much time. The answer is yes! Salafis, despite that Ibn Taymiyyah is a liar, rely too much upon him!! That apart, there are several open liars among the narrators of Sahih al-Bukhari. However, Sunnis have retained them for one reason: their hatred of Imam Ali as.gif!!! Surprisingly, THAT itself is enough reason they should never have narrated from them. The Holy Prophet pbuh.gif has called anyone who hates Imam Ali as.gif to be a hater of Allah (swt) and a hypocrite. Obviously, hadiths from such people are pure nonsense. It is like taking hadiths from Shaytan. It is even worse than that!

One of the most prominent narrators of Sahih al-Bukhari is Hariz bin Uthman al Himsi. Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani in his Tahdheeb al-Tahdheeb, Volume 1 No. 436 states:

البخاري والأربعة۔۔۔ وقال معاذ بن معاذ حدثنا حريز بن عثمان ولا أعلم إني رأيت بالشام أحدا أفضله عليه وقال الآجري عن أبي داود شيوخ حريز كلهم ثقات قال وسألت أحمد بن حنبل عنه فقال ثقة ثقة۔۔ ۔وقال دحيم حمصي جيد الإسناد صحيح الحديث وقال أيضا ثقة وقال المفضل بن غسان ثبت۔۔۔ وقال أحمد بن أبي يحيى عن أحمد حريز صحيح الحديث إلا أنه يحمل على علي۔۔ ۔وقال العجلي شامي ثقة وكان يحمل على علي وقال عمرو بن علي كان ينتقص عليا وينال من۔۔۔وقال الحسن بن علي الخلال سمعت عمران بن إياس سمعت حريز بن عثمان يقول لا أحبه قتل آبائي يعني عليا۔۔۔ حريز بن عثمان يقول هذا الذي يرويه الناس عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال لعلي أنت مني بمنزلة هارون من موسى حق ولكن أخطأ السامع قلت فما هو فقال إنما هو أنت مني بمنزلة قارون من موسى۔۔۔ وقال بن حبان كان يلعن عليا بالغداة سبعين مرة وبالعشي سبعين مرة

Narrated in Al Bukhari and the four (i.e Sunan Abu Dawood, Sunan Al-Tirmidhi, Sunan Al-Nisa'i, Sunan Ibn Majah)… Mua'dh bin Mua'dh said: 'I don't think I saw some one in Shaam better than him'… Al-Ajuri said: 'Abu Dawood said that all the Sheikhs of Hariz are authentic (Thiqat) and I asked Ahmad ibn Hanbal about Hariz to which he said: "Thiqah, Thiqah"'… Duhaim said: 'His chain of narration (isnad) is sahih and said again: 'Thiqah''. Al-Mufadhal bin Ghasan said: "Thabt"… Ahmad bin Abi Yahya narrates that Ahmad (Ibn Hanbal) said: Hariz's hadith is Sahih but he hated Ali… Al-Ejli said: 'Thiqah and he hated Ali'. Amro bin Ali said : 'He used to abuse Ali'… Hariz bin Uthman said: The tradition what the people narrate of the Holy prophet " Ali to me is what Haroon was to Musa" is right but the narrator heard it wrong, it is actually "Ali is to me what Qaroon was to Musa" …Ibn Haban narrated: "He used to curse Ali seventy times a day and seventy times a night"

See here. Just look at this once again:

Hariz bin Uthman said: The tradition what the people narrate of the Holy prophet " Ali to me is what Haroon was to Musa" is right but the narrator heard it wrong, it is actually "Ali is to me what Qaroon was to Musa"

He is twisting a mutawatir hadith of the Holy Prophet pbuh.gif and thereby attributing an enormous lie to Allah (swt) and His Messenger pbuh.gif! And, what do we have the Sunni Imams do?? They still call him thiqah and declare his hadiths sahih!!!!!

That should open the eyes of the rijal worshipers a bit. It is only a small drop, from what seems to be a capricious system, founded to destroy the Sunna of Muhammad


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