[Holy Qur'an 17:81] And say: "Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish."

Friday, December 11, 2009

Saudi Propaganda of Iranian Attack on Kaabah

On July 31st, 1987  Saudi Forces attack Iranain Pilgrims, killing and wounding several thousands. In order to hide this crime, Saudi blamed Iranian Pilgrims of Attacking Ka'abah and to occupy it.

Let us see the truth with Allah's help and do Justice with this Accusation in Allah's name. Amin.

Saudi Government's Official Propaganda Video on this Incident
In order to accuse Irani Pilgrims of having intentions to attack Ka'abah and occupying it, Saudi Government made a Video where:
  • They very cunningly distorted/hid the truth.
  • Translated in many Languages and propagated all over the world to spread hatred against Shias and Iran.

But Lie has no feet and Truth comes forward after tearing all screens of lies. Shukar Al-Hamdolillah.

Although Saudies preplanned this whole Bloodbath and how to cover it up through Lies and Propaganda, but still they made several such Bogus accusations in this same Official Saudi Video that One with Justice would never be misled and misguided. Insha-Allah.

Actually it is Grace of Allah that even no Independent Investigation was allowed by Saudi Government, but Allah (swt) paved the path for Truth to reveal from their own Official Propaganda Video.

(Watch this Official Saudi Government's made Propaganda Video) which has been translated into a lot of languages and propagated to very large extent by Saudi Media.

Saudi Accusations and Brief Facts

1st Accusation: Iranian Rally was Illegal
Saudi Propaganda Machines now claim that Iranians illegally gathered with Intention to get Control of Holy Ka'aba by force. But:
  • It's a big Lie.Iranian Pilgrims didn't gather with Intention of getting Control of Holy Ka'aba .
  • Actually Iranians have been gahtering and taking out these Rallies for years since Revolution[see BBC Report]. So to blame them that that year (1987) they gathered with Intention to attack Ka'aba, is nothing else than false Accusation and افتراء
  • And even after this incident, in 1990s and 2000s Iranian pilgrims have continued their peaceful annual demonstration. Here is the movie of 2006 about the gathering and rally of Iranian Hujjaj. (Part 1 Part 2Part 3Part 4)
  • The locale and time of the rally and its route had been determined after consultations between Iranian Hajj officials and the Saudi authorities.
  • After the usual speech of Shaykh Mahdi Karrubi, the Imam's representative for Hajj, who has been leading Iranian pilgrims for some years, the pilgrims started moving along the specified route in a disciplined manner.
  • They were chanting certain fixed slogans authorized by the Hajj officials, such as: "Down with the U.S., U.S.S.R. and Israel," "O Muslims of the world unite!"
  • This rally has been named "Bara'ah Rally" or "Unity Rally", since its purpose is to declare bara 'ah with mushrikun and call the Muslim Ummah to unity.

Why Saudi Authorities didn't stop the Illegal Rally just in beginning?

For those, who still deny that Rally was permitted by Saudi Authorities, they should use their Brain.
  • This Rally started after Asr Prayer at appointed time of 4:30 pm , when70 thousands Iranians Pilgrims gathered .... Question: Why Saudi Police didn't stop them at that point if it was really an illegal gathering?
  • Then they proceed in organised manner (as Iranians are habitual and have been holding millions-strong rallies during the last decade) .... Question: Why Saudi Police again didn't stop it if all this proceedings were illegal?
  • Even at 6:40 p.m. when the rally was approaching its culmination point, the 'Abdullah ibn al-Zubayr Street, from where they were to disband and prepare for the maghrib prayers.... But Saudi Police till this time did nothing to stop them.
  • Only at end time of Rally, Saudi Police suddenly realized that it was an Illegal Rally and creating problems for other Pilgrims from other countries and to use the force to stop it. 

Is anyone still going to hide the Truth and could still claim that Rally was Illegal and Saudi Authorities didn't give permission for that?

Saudi Accusation that Iranians brought C4 Explosives to attack and occupy Ka'abah

Satan plays his game very cunningly but Allah (swt) reveals the Truth.
Allah says in Quran that HE(swt) is the best planner.
In order to prove that Iranians intended to attack and occupy Ka'abah, Saudi Government accused that ONE YEAR before that Incident of this Rally (i.e. 2006) Iranian Pilgrims (who were coming from plane) tried to smuggle C4 Explosives but were caught at custom.
Please watch Official Saudi Government's Propaganda Video for this Accusation where further very funny lies have been made.

This Saudi Accusation is Hilarious:
  • Saudi Video claims one year ago, Iranian Pilgrims had tried to smuggled C4 Explosives.
  • But not a Single Report of this incident had been made in Newspapers during complete 1 year.
  • Not only Report, Saudies were so tender hearted that they even didn't make any arrest and let all those Iranian Criminals (who were carrying those explosives in their bags) free.
  • Not only this, they also did not do any Open or Secret Protest from Iranian Government and let double number of Pilgrims come from Iran the next year.

It is sure no one could believe such big Lies, but watch it for yourself that all these Accusations have been made in this same Official Saudi Video.

[Note: Saudia made a lame excuse in video for not arresting explosive carrying Iranians while Saudi Authorities thought that they were Innocent and it was Government of Iran who compelled them to do it. And therefore all those Iranians who were carrying C4 Explosives, were released without any charges. About this lame and funny excuse, just remember Saudia has hanged hundreds of such innocent people who were deceived by Drug Smugglers and drugs were found in their baggage]

Iranians in Rally were carrying not even a Single Gun/Pistol

The Saudi Government's story about explosives of last year was hilarious. Let us now find out why Saudi Authorities were compelled to come up with such hilarious lie:
  • Saudi earlier made a Satanic Accusation against Iranians that they were intended to attack Holy Ka'abah and occupy it.
  • But Iranians in Rally were neither carrying even a Single Gun/Pistol with them nor they fired a single bullet. Just after the incident, Saudi Media made a mistake and had already showed only few domestic knives which were recovered from Iranian Pilgrims by so-called brave Saudi Forces. And secondly, not even a single bullet was fired by Iranian Pilgrims.
  • So, it was more hilarious to accuse them of attacking Ka'abah and occupying it without even a single pistol. Therefore, in order to bring some life to their Lies the Kadhab Saudies made up whole of this Explosives Carrying Story.
  • Saudi Authorities also accused Iranians for carrying some domestic knives, but again it was hilarious to accuse them to attack Ka'abah and occupy it on bases of those few domestic knives. [Those knives were also put later by Saudi Authorities in order to give strength to their Lies]

Alone this fact tears all curtains of Saudi Lies and Propaganda. If Iranians had Really Intended to attack Ka'abah and occupy it, then it would have not been a problem for Iranian Government to find Agents who could have supplied them with illegal Weapons and Guns in Saudia.

More Saudi Lies (1): 20,000 Iranian Revolutionary Guards disguised as Pilgrims to attack and occupy Ka'abah

In this Official Saudi Government's Video, another False claim by Saudi authorities is: "Iranian Government sent 20,000 Iranian Revolutionary Guards as Pilgrims in order to attack and occupy it". Please note:

  • This false accusation is again a Lie by Saudi Kadhaab Authorities.
  • How they came to know about presence of these 20,000 Revolutionary Guards? Where is their Proof?

Now let us bring your attention to another Saudi Claim in this same Official Saudi Government's Video. While boasting about Saudi Police Force, Saudi Authorities made a claim: "Saudi Police Force successfully fought against Iranian Attackers and was able to disperse all of them within HALF AN HOUR."

Fact is:
"It is true Saudi Police Force attacked the People in Rally with Iron Rods, Nails, bricks etc. and beaten them and opened fire upon them and thus dispersing them within half an hour."
But question is:
"Had there been 20,000 Revolutionary Guards there with intention of fighting and occupying Ka'abah, then would have it been possible for Saudi Police to defeat all these 20,000 Revolutionary Guards within half an hour?"
Remember, thousands of Israeli Soldiers were not able to defeat few Hizbullah Commondoes for several days. But Saudi Police is such Superior Superman that it defeated 20,000 Revolutionary Guards within half an hour. Lahola Wallah Quwah.
And we seek Allah's Refuge from such Kadhaab People. Amin.

The Occupation of Ka'abah by Saudi Group in 1979

In 1979, One Saudi Group occupied Ka'abah. Details could be read at Wikipedia. Here shortly only some points:
  • This group occupied Ka'abah for 2 Weeks.
  • Their number were only 400-500 with half of them women and children.
  • Saudi Forces were so bogus that they were not able to liberate the Grand Mosque for all this period. They attacked several times but got heavy casualties.
  • After so many failed attempts in 2 weeks time, Saudies also called Pakistani Commondo Unit (SSG) and also turned towards French (non-muslim) anti-terrorism unit.  Because non-Muslims are not allowed in the holy city, they converted to Islam in a brief formal ceremony by Saudi religious leaders.

But when it comes to Iran then according to Saudi boasting in their Official Propaganda Video, they (the same Saudi Forces) were able to defeat 20,000 Revolutionary Guards within half an hour. Now the People of Justice and Brain could better imagine if there were really any 20,000 Iranian Revolutionary Guards there with intention of fighting ...... or there were only Poor Iranian Pilgrims, mostly consisting of old people, women, children and disabled ones, who were unable to defend themselves against Saudi Forces brutal attacks and had to seek the shelters against it (and this is the reality of dispersing of these poor Mazloom People within half an hour).

More Saudi Lies (2): Accusing Iranian Pilgrims that they started Sectarian fight with other Sects

In order to hide their criminal faces that how many innocent people were Killed by firing of Saudi Forces:
  • Saudi Interior Ministry first announced that it were Iranian Pilgrims who attacked the Pilgrims of Other Sects. Obviously the plan was to sow sectarian hatred against Iranians.
  • And they further claimed that Saudi Forces only stopped the fight between two fighting groups.
  • Ministry also claimed only 19 iranians and 6 non Iranian pilgrims were killed in the clashes between these 2 groups.

But this Lie was unable to stand as not only Iranian Pilgrims, but a lot of Pilgrims from other countries also joined the Rally against US/Israel and therefore witness of Saudi Police brutality.
  • Later Ministry also lied the casualties resulted from stampede and not a single shot was fired.

How the Attack begun and carried out
  • The Rally moved very smoothly and very organized and in disciplined manner.[Iranians got vast experience of holding such vast rallies in Iran throughout that decade]
  • At 6:40 p.m. when the rally was approaching its culmination point, the 'Abdullah ibn al-Zubayr Street, from where they were to disband and prepare for the maghrib prayers, the Saudi police advanced from its positions several meters away to take a military position facing the front line of the rally.
  • They started the assault first by pushing the people and beating them with batons. Soon the attack commenced on all sides and the pilgrims were assaulted with iron bars, nailed sticks, and maces.
  • Simultaneously from the tops of the tall adjoining buildings, some people started throwing big stones, bricks, bottles, pieces of broken glass, pieces of concrete and boiling water on the heads of the people, wounding many and killing some instantly. [Doubts are these that Saudies preplanned this whole thing and people on top of the roofs were Saudi Police Men in simple clothes. Even in this same Official Saudi Video you could watch People in simple Clothes standing right with Saudi Forces and throwing stones upon Iranian Pilgrims]
  • The horrified and defenceless pilgrims rushed into alleys in which Saudi security men awaited their turn to attack the pilgrims. Within few minutes the entire rally of a hundred thousand pilgrims was encircled tightly by the armed police and security men who attacked the rally ferociously.
  • Now machine guns also joined the brutal crescendo and sprayed the people with dum-dum bullets from many sides and shells of suffocating gas were thrown into the crowd. All the nearby alleys and passages were barred by armed policemen and there was practically no way of escape left.
  • Some time during this horrific carnage Jordanian and Palestinian pilgrims [may Allah bless them. Amin] opened the doors of their buildings on the pilgrims seeking refuge from the inferno in the street, thus saving many lives.

Saudies planned the bloodbath well in Advance

  • There is no doubt that the carnage was well planned in advance.
  • The Saudi authorities, unlike the previous years, had ordered all shops along the route of the rally to be closed.
  • It was also unusual that loudspeakers warned the pilgrims of other nationalities against taking part in the rally.
  • Stones and bricks had been stored on the top of buildings for the occasion.
  • The Saudi propaganda machinery was fully prepared to launch their propaganda assault soon after the carnage.

Saudi Propaganda Failure

  • Yet despite their preparedness, the horrific dimensions of the carnage baffled the official machinery.
  • Not only Iranians, but there were Pilgrims from many other countries too who joined this rally against US/Israel, and thus they were also witness to whole incident.
  • Also specially the Palestinians and the Jordanians had seen it with their unbelieving eyes (as they gave shelter to poor Iranian Pilgrims who were running for their lives).
  • Many from Algeria, U.A.E., Iraq, Bahrain, India and Afghanistan had seen it.
  • Muslims from the U.K., the U.S., South Africa, Canada, and Pakistan had seen it. There were eye-witnesses from almost every country who had been shocked and shaken as much by the atrocity as by the lies and insults of the Saudi press and government.

No. of Casualities and Saudi Lies

  • Initially Saudi Interior Ministry claimed only 19 Iranians and 6 non Iranians died in clashes of two Sectarian Groups.
  • Then they lied that Saudi Forces fired not a Single Bullet.
  • But later (when they were unable to hide the firing from eye-witnesses), they started claiming it were Iranians who fired first and in answer they had to fire back.
  • They also propagated the story that Security forces started firing while Iranians killed one member of Security forces and put his head on the spear.

Now let us compare the data about died and wounded people from Independent Sources and Saudi Sources.

So according to Saudies: 
No. of killed       = 402
No. of wounded =  Only 649
There  is no such War or Fight where ratio of Dying People is so high as compared to ratio of Wounded People. You could guess the Saudi Lie here.
While Independent and Iranian figures of 4000 Wounded is close to reality.

Again watch that according to Saudi Official Video's claim:
No. of Saudies who were killed = 85
No. of Saudies who were wounded=  45
They blame that Iranian attacked with domestic knives. How is it possible that Iranians Pilgrims attained the ratio of Double Killing as compared to wounding with their knives only? Here you could again Guess how big (but foolish) Lairs Saudies are.

Also Saudies never told the separate figures about Saudi Security Forces and Saudi Civilians (and they did it intentionally to support their Lies).

Independent and Iranian sources say that out of 400+ killed, there were 324 Iranians and remaining were mostly Pilgrims from other Countries who joined the rally along with their Iranian brethren against US/Israel, and there were hardly any Saudi Security Forces who died in this attack. (There may be few Saudi citizens who lived there and unintentionally got surrounded with that conflict, but there were hardly any members of security forces who died in this fight)

Moreover, among Iranians it were mostly Women and disabled on wheelchairs, for they were towards the front of the rally where the assault began and was most savage. More than a hundred people had died of direct Bullet Firing, while others due to rods and Stones thrown from Building roofs. Dozens of the martyrs were disfigured beyond identification due to head injuries caused by rocks and maces.

Saudi Propaganda about setting motorcycle in fire by Iranian Pilgrims

Saudies made the video of few people, who were setting a motorcycle in fire. After this they claimed it is a Proof that Iranian Pilgrims wanted to attack Ka'abah and occupy it.
Using it as proof for accusing of attack upon Ka'abah could only be a wonder of Saudi foolish mind.
These few people got enraged after they were firstly attacked by stones and bricks from the roofs of high buildings and then directly beaten and fired by Saudi Forces, killing and wounding thousands of them. And in rage if they set a motorcycle (or may be few other vehicles as claimed by Saudies) then what it has to do with attacking Ka'abah and taking control over it?

Once a Pakistani Wahabi claimed the same thing (about setting the motorcycle in fire) and presented it as proof that Iranian Pilgrims thus wanted to attack Ka'abah and take control of it. As an answer, we showed him a lot of videos where Nasibies and Wahabies taking out Rallies for killing of thier Sapah Sahaba leaders or illegal usurped Lal Mosques and then setting the Properties in fire and doing the suicide bombings upon innocent people and causing a lot more damage. And all these in situation where there is no Live fighting and attack upon them by Pakistan Police.

Duty of Muslim Ummah

The event of Makkah puts great responsibility on the shoulders of all Muslims of the world, specially the 'ulama' and intellectuals, and calls them to rally to the support of the sanctities of Islam. It was not just the right to life of a few hundred women and men that was violated at Makkah in the Haram in a haram month; it was the very sanctity of God Almighty that was challenged and atrociously violated by the arch-criminals of history. It was the most serious crime against God that could be imagined, and indeed the devastating punishment of the criminals and their collaborators is not far off.

Till today the effects of this Saudi Propganda are so high. All their channels and all their preachers are repeating these serious accusations of attak upon ka'abah day and night and hiding the truth. In fact, they are the father of Jews in making Propaganda.

May Allah save Muslim Ummah from the Shar of Kazaab Saudies who wrongfully accuse the innocent and Mazloom Pilgrims for such big crime of attacking Ka'abah and it's occupation. Amin.
If some one Intentionally make a false accusation of ZINA upon any woman, then Shri'i penalty is lashes for this accuser.
For sure Shari'i Punishment of Intentionally falsely accusing some one for attacking Holy Ka'aba is much worst than any thing Else.
Had Saudies only killed the Innocent Iranian Hajjaj, then it would have not be such big crime, as the crime of falsely accusing any Muslim for attacking the Holy Ka'bah.
Simple killing of Iranian Hujjaj would only be a matter between Saudia and Hajjaj and Iran, but by accusing them of attacking Ka'abah, it became a weapon of spreading hatred in hands of all Nasibi Extremists like Sapah Sahaba and they are successful in spreading hatredby citing these false accusations.


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